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What to watch on TV tonight: Thursday

Here’s the telly that everyone will be talking about tomorrow.

DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.

Naked Attraction (Channel 4, 10pm)

Ah, what could be more romantic than judging a stranger’s naked body and deciding whether you’d like to go on a date with them? That’s the entire premise of Naked Attraction, a dating show that’s equal parts grim and captivating. Settle in. #nakedattraction

Who Do You Think You Are? (BBC One, 9pm)

The much-loved genealogy series is back for a new season. Tonight Charles Dance, better known to you and I as Tywin Lannister in Game of Thrones, delves into his family tree. #WhoDoYouThinkYouAre

Vermeer, Beyond Time (RTÉ One, 10.15pm)

A documentary about the great Dutch painter to coincide with the Vermeer exhibition currently showing in the National Gallery of Ireland. Fierce highbrow altogether.

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Everyone’s talking about… Marcel from Love Island

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Last night, Love Island’s Gabby broke down in tears after claiming that she was the “ugliest person” on the island.

Marcel, ever the charmer, was on hand to reassure her that he likes her just the way she is.

I saw you walking down the stairs and I was like, that’s the one and from that moment all I wanted to do was talk to you. You’ve got to forget about all these other people coming in, the only person in this villa I wanted was you and that’s why I made a play for you. People have come in since and my head has never even swivelled once.
I love you just the way you are.

Ahhhh :’)

What a dote.


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Or flick over for…

  • The Irish Open – Highlights (BBC One, 10.40pm) Highlights of the first day of the Irish Open.
  • Mock The Week (BBC Two, 10pm) Dara Ó Briain et al look back on the week that was.
  • Today at Wimbledon (BBC Two, 8.30pm) New balls, please.
  • X-Men: Days of Future Past (RTÉ 2, 9pm) Some superhero action of a Thursday night.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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